Chananya, Mishael and Azarya risked life, and refused to bow to idols. Mordechai refused to bow before to Hamans idolatry, even placing himself at risk. Today, idolatry is tempting misinformed Jews. How much more must we take action when no one's life is at danger and what is at risk, are the beliefs of our fellow Jews, deceived that Red Strings protect, and that they form part of Judaism? Idolatrous ideas are being spread. We must do as Mordechai exemplified in his deep concern for others, and take action. Red Strings violate Judaism's fundamentals. This is no small issue. and other websites are selling Red Strings as "protective, Judaic devices". These sites listed are taking peoples money. The Rabbis teach: Your friends money should be as beloved to you as your own. Mesora, the public, and many Rabbis are taking a stand against this destruction of Torah, and abuse. We ask you to join. Please read further below, and our arguments at the right.
Mesora has long protested idolatrous practices, prohibited in the Torah so many times, and specifically in Tosefta Sabbath, chapter 7. Our objective is to save innocent and ignorant Jews from falling prey to foolish practices, when the Torah commands against them, and when reason proves they are useless. We initially wrote this to
- Dear,
Red String sales violate Talmud Shabbos, Tosefta, Chapter 7: Red Strings are the way of the Emorites and are prohibited by Torah. Please remove this idolatrous film from your site and cease your sale of Red Strings. God alone protects the Jew: Someone righteous will not be harmed if he does not wear these Red Strings, and a wicked person will not be saved if he does. Red Strings are foolish and prohibited. I thank you in advance for acting in line with true, Torah principles. I will look forward to seeing your immediate removal of this Heathen, idolatrous practice from your website. did not respond, so we wrote again:
- Many others seek to learn the truth of Torah, while you are perpetuating a fraudulent Judaism, only for the sake of making sales. I see you are not interested in reading this source, for yourself. Had you already read it, you would have removed your red strings. If you are an observant Jew, or a thinking individual who knows that God need not contend with red strings when rewarding or punishing, you would admit the following: a righteous person earns reward without the red string, and a Rasha will be punished, even if he does were this twined, dyed object. Study the Rishonim, see Rambams 13 Principles and Hilchos Avodah Zarah. Also understand that deceiving others, in the name of Torah, is of the worst sins.
This Red String is prohibited, period. If you decide to keep this violation on your website, that is your decision. But we will take all actions to make certain no one is misled by your deception. If however you remove it, we will have nothing but praise for your commitment to Judaism.
Additionally, now that you know of this Tosefta, if you do not inform your website visitors of this Tosefta, then you desire to keep them blind to an open Tosefta of Gemara Shabbos. has finally responded citing these sources:
- The Debriziner Rav said: "This has been the custom, and everyone engaged in it. Likewise, they were careful to tie a red thread on the carriage or on the crib of the infant for protection against the evil eye. All these three customs are included in the 'customs of the elderly women', which upon them the Rashbah (on of the greatest of the early Halachic authorities) wrote: One must not denigrate their words and customs because their (words and customs) are certainly founded upon the 'hills of sanctity. Even if the reason is concealed from us.
The Ohav Yisroel Said: "In the Rabbinical journal 'Otzros Yerusalayim' Vol 36, a letter is published which was written by the son of the Alexander Rebbe, "And now I request of you in as much as we know from our uncle the holy author of the 'Yismach Yisrael', that it is a segula for a pregnant woman to ensure that she will carry her pregnancy to term that you should 'measure round' the Tomb of Rachel our matriarch that you should please 'measure round Rachel's tomb and send me the string in order that it should be a 'segula', that she should complete her pregnancy to term.
And so have we heard from residents of the holy city of Yerushalyim, that they have a tradition regarding this segula, and they wrap the string around the hand and it is effective for all sorts of salvation
Please take down your ill-informed statements. refers to the Tosefta as a source that "ill-informs" us. However, a Tosefta is on par with the Oral Law that Moses, amd is more credible than any Rabbi. With their accusation that we are "ill-informed" by a Tosefta, exposes their ignorance of Torah. And their failure to post the Tosefta compounds their crime.
Clearly, the Debriziner Rav argues on a Tosefta, but he has no authority to do so. King Solomon stated, "For man is not righteous in the land who does good and does not sin." (Ecclesiastes, 7:20) King Solomon teaches that no man is free from error, not even Moshe Rabbeinu. A reputation of someone being a "Rav" must not cause us to accept all he says...he too may err. The Debriziner Rav is wrong.
What is dangerous about's approach, is their reliance on anything a Rabbi says. Perhap a Rabbi will support Jesus...does this mean it is acceptable? Then by what standards do we accept or refute a position as authentically Torah? The answer is, by Judaism's Fundamentals. This view of a string protecting us, is the result of Yeshiva's that disregard the education of the Yesodei HaTorah, "Judaism's Fundamentals" such as Rambam's 13 Principles. As such, we urge all Torah educators to engage in the study and education of those ideas most central to Judaism and our knowledge of God. Practices like wearing red strings to save one's self are absolutely alien to Torah principles recited each day in Ashray: "Close is God to all who call upon HIM, who call upon HIM in truth."
What we hope will come from this debate, is that and all other Red String peddlers recognize that red strings, rabbit feet, 4-leaf clovers, horseshoes, broken mirrors and the like, have no affect on our lives, or on reality. God alone rewards the righteous and punishes the wicked...whether or not they wear red strings. omitted the Tosefta from their website, that we and other rabbis sent them. This omission reveals their intent to hide from Jews this most authoritative source in the Talmud refuting their Red Strings.
Other websites violating Torah principles and misleading the public include these below. See our arguments at right, and Click above to write and others protesting their practice.
Do not support these websites, as your purchase will reinforce your error, you will help spread falsehoods about Judaism's fundamentals, and you will enable these deceivers to rob others. Click the links above and take action supporting authentic Judaism.

Violation of Tosefta Shabbos
Tosefta Shabbos is in par with the Oral law, the Mishna. In the Tosefta, we read many acts are the ways of the Emorites, idolatrous peoples, and included, is "wearing a red thread on one's finger."
Violation of Judaism's Fundamentals
The Red Bendel contradicts Maimonides' 13 Principles; that God rewards the righteous and punishes the wicked. Those defending the Red Bendel say this is not true, unless someone wears this string.
No proven evidence that wearing a string affects reality.
Denies Known, Medical Science
Maimonides, along with every doctor in history never treated the sick with red strings, but with medicine and surgery. The owners of have seen doctors in their lives, and have had surgery...they did not avoid these medically-sound procedures, using the Red Bendel instead.'s staff contradicts itself.
Reason alone contradicts the theory of the Red Bendel offering protection.
An open Talmudic portion refutes the Red Bendel: "Sin is what kills". Not the avoidance of wearing the Red Bendel. (Berachos 33a)
Isaiah 45:22 Refutes Red Bendels "Look to Me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is none else."
Rambam, hilchos mezuza 5:4 refutes them:
"Those who write inside the mezuza names of angels or holy names or a verse or engravings, they are included with those who have no share in the world to come. Because these fools, its not enough that they are nullifying a mitzvah, but they are making a great mitzvahwhich is the Oneness of the Name of the Holy One, blessed be He, and His love and His serviceinto an amulet for their own benefit as it occurs to their foolish hearts that this kind of nonsense thing can benefit them."
Rambam hilchos mezuza 6:13:
"The early Wise Ones said Whoever has tefillin on his head and arm, tzitzis on his clothing, and a mezuza on his door, he is strengthened not to sin, because he has many reminders, and these are the angels that protect him from sin as it says (Tehillim 34:8) "The angel of the LORD encamps around them that fear Him, and delivers them".
Nowhere in Tanach or in the gemara do people use a red string to protect themselves.
The Torah Refutes Them
The Torah says, "Teshuva, tefilla, utzedaka maavirin es roa hagzeira", "Repentance, prayer, and charity remove the evil decree". Nothing is mentioned that a red string is required.
Ironically.....No Protection from Our Accusations's workers most certainly wear Red Bendels. Why then are their Red Strings of no help to them, shielding them from our accusations? It appears their subjugation to our refutations expose the red strings as lies.

Two sources "claim" the Red Bendel "shields one from the 'evil eye', protects children, and insures safe pregnancies".
Both positions cannot be true. One is false. Judaism is a system built on reason. You decide which position is reasonable, and which is lies.