"Separation" and its Impact on Israel
Alan Keyes, written by Connie Hair


For purposes of context: Connie Hair was the former producer of "Making Sense", Alan Keyes' talk show which was cancelled last year. She is also a good friend to Alan and myself. I wrote to Alan Keyes with my thoughts on the Moore controversy. Connie was nice enough to write me back, paraphrasing Alan's thoughts on how this issue in Alabam may impact Israel. Moshe Ben-Chaim


"Alan wanted me to give you some food for thought. It is extremely important that the Jewish community understand that this issue threatens the future of Israel, as well. As I'm sure you well know, the anti-Israel crowd already tries to use the separation of church and state argument to undermine Israel's very existence as a Jewish State.

Our Founders did not include in the First Amendment the right of the Federal Government to establish a federal "state of irreligion" in this country, their intent was to prevent the federal government from not only establishing a national religion but forbidding the federal government from making ANY laws regarding religion whatsoever ("Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."), allowing states to deal with the establishment and free exercise of religion in their own way and manner. Congress shall make no law means that the federal government can't touch this issue at all.

All but one of the original states HAD established religions at the time the First Amendment was written, which means that the Founders intended to countenance the state's right to deal with the issue of religion in their own way and manner in the First Amendment. This is at the heart of the First Amendment, under-girded by the 10th Amendment covering laws not covered by the federal government being given to the states or to the people.

That's what is so dangerous about what is happening in Alabama. A federal judge has ordered a state judge to remove the monument to the Ten Commandments from his courthouse. Justice Moore is BREAKING NO LAW. There IS NO federal jurisdiction in matters of religion, yet the judge's order stated specifically that the State of Alabama had no right to acknowledge God. By the way, Alabama's State Constitution says they MUST acknowledge God. This is a lawless decision by a judicial despot, amidst a priesthood of leftist liberal judicial tyrants.

If we lose this argument and allow this untruth to be perpetuated, the future of Israel as a Jewish State is undermined especially when down the road issues like "right of return" come to the fore. This "separation of church and state" garbage needs a stake put through its heart, or it will be used to undermine Israel in the not so distant future. I'm praying that the U.S. Supreme Court will take this case and overturn it. Justice Moore is filing for Cert with the USSC soon. Four of the nine will have to agree to hear it for it to be heard by the full court.

Alan wanted me to pass along these thoughts so you could decide if you felt this was something you should make your readers aware of. Getting the Jewish community active on this "separation" issue is vital to the future survival of Israel as a Jewish State. These are my words, not Alan's directly, he just wanted me to cover the issue with you."