Is G-d in Man’s Soul?


Moshe Ben-Chaim



Reader: I have the same question as the reader did. Here's what your website says:


“Reader: Further, do you think that the soul of man contains a divine spark, and are you troubled that this form of matter contains divinity?

Mesora: Man's soul is not part of G-d in any way - G-d has no parts....”


I then asked this question to someone who studies Rambam and the Esoteric. I know that you have issues with that also but please tell me if what he says sounds accurate. Here are his words:


"This (Bnei Yisroel and the Torah being a part of G-d) is just language ambiguity. The Rambam also says, on the same page as you quoted, that our existence is bound up in His existence, and therefore His is the only real existence because our existence is dependent on His existence. The intention in (for example) Tanya is the same. The source of Torah and of Nishmas Yisrael is G-d, and because of His overriding unity there are no distinctions within Him. The point is that Torah and neshama are part of G-d as opposed to separate from G-d, not that G-d has sections, Chas v'Shalom (G-d forbid)".


Please let me know what you think. I'm researching this just to find truth and nothing more, thank you very much.



Mesora: When you hear views that are not supported by reasoning, this is a good sign that there is no reasoning available. The person you quoted said, "The point is that Torah and neshama(soul) are part of G-d as opposed to separate from G-d, not that G-d has sections, Has v'Shalom (G-d forbid)".

His view is baseless. He makes up this theory that “neshama (the soul) is part of G-d.” This is not found in Torah, or in reason. He also contradicts himself by first admitting G-d has “parts” (against Maimonides) but then denying G-d has “sections”. These words mean the same! This writer is not thinking.

Additionally, as the writer is of the opinion that all is “part of G-d”, he has an unanswerable problem: Maimonides correctly states if the world would be destroyed, G-d would still exist. However, according to this writer, how can the world be destroyed, if it contains people, and these people contain "parts of G-d" in their souls? This means G-d can destroy human souls – He can destroy “parts of Himself”! This clearly disproves this writer's view. G-d is really not “in” man, or “in” anything. G-d cannot be located geographically, or as partaking of His own creations, such as human souls. It is heresy to suggest that G-d has parts, and further, to suggest that He can destroy these “parts” of Himself.


Note that the person you quoted does not use reason to support his words; he simply expects your acceptance. However, this is not how our Rabbis learned and taught. A reading of almost any commentary on Torah, or of the Talmudic Rabbis will bear out that such great minds based their views on precise reasoning.


This view, that “everything is really G-d” is something, which the original Chassidic movement felt was accurate, and which the Vilna Gaon rightly viewed as heresy. These Chassidim took this view so far; they said G-d was contained even in sin. Based on this second error, they condoned a “tzaddik”- a righteous man - to steep himself in sin, so his subsequent ‘elevation’ would be catapulted even higher…a nonsensical notion. Without Torah knowledge and training, one’s ideas cannot be reasonable, as we see here. The Rabbis actually taught the opposite, “sin begets sin”, and not improvement. This makes sense, as one’s sins forge a greater attachment to the emotions, and thus, the person is further attached to a sinful path.


The idea that G-d is “in” anything is heresy, as G-d is not physical. This also applies to G-d “being in man’s soul”, or “in sin”. This problem stems from the mind’s inability to think abstractly. Such individuals cannot think outside of physical space, and therefore, they force G-d into their limited thinking. They say G-d must be “everywhere”, as if they are still infants. Truthfully, their minds have not passed the age of three.


Let us consult the truly wise Torah leaders, and not the likes of those by whom you might be mislead: King Solomon stated, “the heavens cannot hold You.” (Kings I, 8:27). G-d said to Moses, “You cannot know Me while alive.” Is this writer you quote claiming greater knowledge than Moses? Is he suggesting that G-d is wrong - that he CAN know G-d, enough to make such statements? I suggest this writer familiarize himself with the Torah’s positions.


G-d does not exist in the physical realm. G-d created the physical, and thus, is not bound by it. But those with infantile minds cannot understand this, so they suggest that “G-d is everywhere.’ Then they compound that error by saying G-d is in man’s soul and in sin itself…since G-d “must be everywhere”. We see that one false idea can have far reaching and numerous, damaging side effects.


When you hear views that are unsupported, uttered without rational support, and certainly which contradict Torah, push away such notions both hands.