Torah Abounds on Long Island


Another notable institution in the Plainview, NY area is Congregation Rinat Yisrael. Rabbi Reuven Mann has been the spiritual leader of this congregation for the past five years. Rinat offers Shabbos services, along with many classes. Rabbi Mann gives an insightful, 20-minute Parsha drasha each Shabbos after Musaf, followed by a shul-wide Kiddush. On Shabbos afternoons following Mincha, Rabbi Mann gives a class on various topics including Israel, Jewish philosophy and portions of Torah, Talmud and Prophets. The class is interactive and lively, and attracts many community members. Other classes include the Sunday morning Rambam class, now covering Rambam’s Laws of Blessings. In addition to leading the Rinat Yisrael congregation, Rabbi Mann has also been the menahel of Yeshiva B’nei Torah in Far Rockaway for 30 years. His local and visiting students spend a Torah-filled Shabbos at his home regularly, where they rise early to enjoy his 7:00-8:30am discussion in Rambam’s Mishneh Torah before heading to shul at 9:00. Over ten years ago, Rabbi Mann founded Masoret Advanced Institute of Women’s Torah Studies in Inwood, NY. Masoret offers year-round women’s Torah and Talmud classes on location, and via telephone hookup. Rabbi Mann now adds to his schedule his lecture series at the Adult Institute in Plainview.

As a leader of the Plainview community, Rabbi Mann generously offers his time to residents, students and congregants, drawing on decades of experience, counseling others in religious, social and personal matters. His honest and intelligent approach, teamed with a sustained busy teaching schedule has made an impact on hundreds of Jews in the Metropolitan, NY area. Mesora and the JewishTimes recognizes his outstanding efforts and much needed work, wishes him continued success in proliferating true Torah fundamentals, and thanks him for his continued contributions to our publication. Chazak V’Yeematz.

To learn more about Rinat Yisrael, or to arrange a Shabbos visit to the shul and the Plainview community, please contact Rinat at: 516-822-6636.