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What is the Bible?
God’s Only Religion.
The Bible (Torah)—the Jewish religion—is the only religion God gave man. All religions aside from Judaism claim they received communication from God, but they fail to prove this claim. Judaism is the only religion with proof of divine origin. This proof is demonstrated through God’s revelation of His existence and His communication to millions of people on Mount Sinai exactly 3333 years ago. The Jews witnessed an intelligent voice speaking from within the fiery mountain. Biological or earthbound life cannot exist in fire, precisely why God used fire in this event. No other religion makes such a claim to possess proof because divine revelation never happened to others, and as the Bible says, “it will never happen again” (Deut. 4:32-34). Judaism is also unique in its intellectual and brilliant design, in its basis in reason and proof, and its in full compliance with human nature, offering real happiness.
Judaism is the only religion whose claim is supported by world acceptance the Bible. This acceptance is a 100% proof of God’s revelation to the Jewish people. Had Revelation at Sinai never occurred, it would not have been believed by that generation, and certainly not by the rest of the world and all future generations. The only way Revelation at Sinai became accepted was that is was witnessed, and then all witnesses unanimously transmitted the story to following generations, unbroken, through today. Had Revelation at Sinai been a fabrication, the world today would have an alternate history of the Jews. But we do not.
God wished that this event upon Sinai remain a 100% proof throughout all generations. Had a false prophet attempted to convince any group that they witnessed what they had not, they would never accept him, nor would they replace their known history with the false prophet’s lies. A unanimous identical transmission of a witnessed event occurs only when that event occurred. This is the proof of all historical claims. Unanimous transmission—a single Biblical account—validates Revelation at Sinai. God revealed Himself to masses only once: to the Jews on Mt. Sinai, where He gave the Jews His Bible.
All other religions are founded on a single person’s claim (or a fabricated story) that God appeared to him. Something of this nature cannot be proven or disproved, and is precisely why others peoples formulated their religions with the demand for “blind faith.” Those religions did spread, but not due to witnessed events. Those religions spread as their fabricated stories and miraculous claims appealed to human emotions. People will accept what is pleasing. Someone dying for my sins is very appealing: it removes your guilt while you get to indulge your lusts. Also, praying to a tangible human figure is more pleasing that praying to an invisible abstract God. But not one other religion provides any evidence of divine communication. Therefore, there is no basis to accept their religions as God’s word. Furthermore, as God designed only one human being, multiple religions is nonsensical. Just as all people are treated identically for cancer, all people will find the happiest life with the same religious system. Regardless of skin color, languages, the shape of our eyes or hair color, we all share the identical design. One religion makes sense for one human race, explaining why God gave a religion to man only once.
The Bible (Torah)
Upon Mt. Sinai 3333 years ago, amidst millions of Jewish witnesses, God caused the Jews to hear an intelligent voice emanate from inside the fire. Numerous times later (Deut. 4:12, 4:15, 4:33, 4:36, 5:4, 5:19, 5:21, 5:23, 10:4) Moses reminded the people of this miraculous event. He wished to impress upon the nation that God is unaffected by fire; He is not of this world. The source of Torah is God, the Creator. He is the same source of the universe. This purpose of earth is man’s adherence to Torah (Rashi, Ethics 2:8). The people agreed with Moses; they confirmed the miracle took place exactly as Moses described.
Upon Mt. Sinai, God gave Moses 4 books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers. Moses added Deuteronomy (his own words) with God’s authorization. These 5 books comprise the entire Bible.
The Bible discusses Creation, the perfected acts of great men and women like Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebecca, Jacob, Sarah, Rachel, the 12 Tribes, Moses, Joshua and many others. The Bible discusses their rejection of idolatry, their kindness towards others, their merits and their sins, as Judaism views God alone as perfect, for man is not like God without sin, nor can he perform any miracles. The Bible includes 613 commands that lead man to a perfected, happy and a fulfilling lifestyle. The Bible asks man that he controls his instincts within reason, and pursues wisdom as his true value and enjoyment. In the Bible, God educates man on his psychological makeup, and how God intervenes in man’s life to further assist him, when he leads a good life. We also learn that God punishes sinners and abandons them, but still desires their return to Him. We learn of God’s traits of mercy, kindness and justice, and that we should emulate Him. We learn that none oppose God’s abilities, as the 10 Plagues demonstrated. God also teaches us that all of the Torah (Bible) is based on reason and proof, and that we must not alter the Bible at all (Deut. 13:11), which the major religions have violated.
The Bible teaches that all our lives must follow intelligence, for this is precisely why God gifted man alone an intelligent soul, while animals don’t have one. The Bible is written in a deep fashion where it takes years for man to learn the method of deciphering the text. It is written on many levels so all people can benefit, and as man grows wiser, he sees more of God’s wisdom.
After the close of the Bible (Moses’ death), God also spoke with many future Jewish prophets, and inspired their writings like King David’s Psalms and King Solomon’s Proverbs, commanding them to guide the Jewish nation and others, and remaining firm in not deviating from the Bible. These prophets’ histories and writings form 2 final sections of God’s communications called Prophets and Writings. After Writings, we have no further communication from God. Other people finding the Bible too difficult to follow invented the New Testament, the Koran and other books which they claim are God’s words, but they fail to prove divine origin. Their books and religions even include many contradictions and nonsense. An intelligent person will detect those unsolvable problems and leave those religions. Thus, Bible, Prophets and Writings are God’s only proven communications with man, which contain no contradictions, and which are pleasing to the intelligent person.
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