- Poor Learning
- Moshe Ben-Chaim
- Comment: Dear Rabbi Ben-Chaim,
- At first I bristled at your web-site, thinking it too rational. I
then read your piece on Ayin Harah and bristled again.
"Harumph!"-- no consideration for the soul, and the
underbelly of the world. So I decided to research the subject In Rav
Dessler's work, since he's a veritable master of hashkapha. And lo and
behold, he agrees with you. See Book 4, pp. 5-6.
- Though I might pick on you once in the while, I offer you a yasher
koach in this instance.
- All the best, xxxxxxxxx
- Reply: I do commend you on researching prior to replying.
However, do not offer me a Yashar Koach. You have not proven to
yourself that I am stating something correct.
I wonder, are you now enlightened by a new understanding of ayin hara,
or did you merely back off when this accepted Rav stated something?
You don't imply in your message that you learned something new. So
perhaps, had Rav Dessler not stated it, you would still hold onto your
previous belief. And what was THAT based on? How did you arrive at
THAT view? And what would become, should you find Ramban disagrees
with Rav Dessler? How would you decide what to believe?
- If it is due to your observation of Rav Dessler's view alone that
you back off from taking issue with my view, this is not how to learn,
i.e., merely accepting matters because a great Rav holds them true.
The Rishonim did not learn that way. They argued fiercely with each
other, and defended what their minds saw as most reasonable. The
Ramban did not accept the Rambam due to his wealth of knowledge and
reputation. Ramban learned for himself. The Gra desired that his
students argue with him, not blindly accept his teachings. Our
greatest minds became great due to active analyzing, not through
parroting the leaders.
- I hope you investigate further to see WHY Rav Dessler said what he
did. Do not cease in your investigation until you see one idea clearly
true, and one false. I hope that your values on this, and all other
ideas stem from a conviction in your mind, not a fear of opposing the
great ones.
- Moshe Ben-Chaim