- Questions on Rabbis, Reason, Prayer, and Kindness
- Moshe Ben-Chaim
- Reader: Scholars refer to the Judaism of the last 2000 years
or more as Rabbinical Judaism. Tell me please, what other kinds of
Judaism are there and were there?
Mesora: I am not familiar with the
term "Rabbinical Judaism". Yes, we follow the Rabbis, we
always have. They alone are authorized by God to derive concepts and
rulings from the Torah (Deuteronomy, 17:11). Derivation is an
essential aspect of learning. It is guided by a fixed set of
principles. It is not subjective. It teaches that there is "much
below the surface", that the enormity of God's wisdom cannot be
put into words. Rabbis in the Masoretic chain of tutelage with lineage
to Moses adhering to the Talmud are the only ones endorsed by God to
determine the Torah's laws and halachos. Without this strict adherence
to the Mosaic ideas and traditions received from God at Sinai, the
Torah would become a free-for-all system, much like what has happened
in Reform, Conservative and Chassidism.
- Reader: Scholars say that before the Jewish people met up
with helenism, reason and logic was yet to be used as a tool to
understanding Torah. Is this true?
- Mesora: This is false. Evidence
of rational living commences with Adam. God would not converse with
one bereft of reason, nor would greats like Ramban call Adam "the
handiwork of the Almighty". How would one as Abraham arrive at
truths after having being an idolater, were it not for his refined
wisdom which dismissed pagan rituals?
- Reader: Is praying to Hashem for financial gain permissible
in Judaism?
- Mesora: Most definitely. The
Rabbis state that prayer should be engaged for all matters the heart
needs. One is even allowed to give charity to actually test God to see
if "he will open the storehouses of heaven and empty out (for
you) a blessing beyond your need". (See Malachi Chapter 3)
- See our article: Charity-Tzedaka
- Reader: Is a pleasant or kind disposition towards others
required in Judaism?
- Mesora: Yes. Our disposition
must include sensitivity of our very words, as the command "lo
sonu" teaches us not to oppress people with words. We are also to
treat people with pleasantness, dignity, and respect. There are many
laws which reinforce this behavior: Commiserating with the poor,
assisting even your enemy when in need, standing for our Rabbis,
parents and the elderly, and many others, Maimonides teaches that the
most perfected members of mankind are those who express kindness to