- Subjectivism
- Moshe Ben-Chaim
- Reader: How can one disprove Subjectivism? If Subjectivism
doesn't hold by logic, how can you argue against it?
- Mesora: Subjectivism has an
inherent contradiction:
- Their proponents claim that all is subjective. By definition, they
hold a "principle", (all is subjective). However, a
"principle" is something which is always true. meaning, it
is "objectively" true. Thus, their contradiction. While they
wish to be subjective, they endorse a principle, in doing so, they
follow an objective phenomena, and cannot also hold that Subjectivism
is valid.
- Another inherent flaw with their theory is that since all members of
mankind share the identical psychological makeup, (i.e., ego, guilt,
desire for happiness, etc.) their claim that man should follow
whichever path he feels is a clear denial of this equality in all
mankind. By definition this means that all mankind should function
similarly, not however they wish, as supported by Subjectivism.
- Subjectivism also carries with it a denial of God, and the giving of
the Torah at Sinai. As God commands ALL man in one path of life, God
testifies to the objectivity of Torah.
- More essentially, Subjectivism denies the way man actually thinks
and lives. I wonder how far adherents of Subjectivism are willing to
go: Would they deny all history, because they will claim that each
member of mankind is entitled to believe what he feels? And what of
the terms "right" and 'wrong"? Do they allow each man
live by his own Subjective definition? This would certainly cause
crime and many deaths, as each man can define "justice" as
suits his needs.